Services Offered:

Psychoeducational Evaluation: 

Dr. King is accepting new clients for psychoeducational evaluations with appointments available beginning July 10, 2023. Please contact us here to schedule an appointment. 

Psychoeducational evaluation aims to gather information from a variety of sources to learn more about the child/youth’s strengths and needs, so that family, clinicians, and school can develop a comprehensive plan to support the success and positive outcomes for the individual. Northwest Educational Psychology follows the following process to gather information in collaboration with the individual and family: 

Referral and Intake: Through structured and informal conversation, Dr. King meets with the individual and family to learn about development, family configuration, educational and medical history, and to talk through barriers to development, learning, and relationships. Individuals and family members may fill out intake forms and rating scales. Important documentation from medical visits, educational organizations, or other providers will also be requested for review. 

Assessments: Depending on the presenting strengths and needs, the child/youth may be assessed in areas of cognitive ability, academic achievement, memory, processing, attention, and social-skills. Assessment activities are engaging and child-centered, however they can also be taxing. It is typical that an individual will need 2 - 3 (or more) sessions to complete a full evaluation. Sessions typically last 2-3 hours, depending on child stamina. Assessment sessions are scheduled upon intake, however sessions may be revised due the need of the individual or the complexity of the evaluation. 

Report Writing: After information has been gathered, Dr. King will review and interpret data, and write an analysis of the evaluation results, which will be reviewed at a feedback meeting with the family. 

Feedback Meeting: The family will meet to review the results of the evaluation, discuss recommendations. 

Monitoring Progress: Some families may choose to meet regularly to discuss implementation of recommendations and the progress of the individual.

Independent Educational Evaluation: 

Dr. King has extensive knowledge of Special Education services and Section 504, and can partner with families and school districts to complete Independent Educational Evaluations to support comprehensive school evaluations, develop a targeted Individualized Education Plan (IEP), Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).

Educational Consultation Services: 

Please contact Dr. King for information about educational consultation or professional development services.

Gifted Assessment: 

Some private schools require an IQ test for admission. In these situations, Dr. King will administer a WPPSI-IV or a WISC-V, and write the results to specific school admission standards.